Cool New website ideas

Hello, I will discuss new website ideas in this blog post. Well, before doing any job we must have a clear idea or a picture of what we are going to do. Else our work would result in a walking zombie with no aim. Likewise, when we are developing our website, we have to be clear of our idea.

Here's some of ideas which you could use:-
1. Photo-sharing service.
Twitter-Like photo-sharing website. This could be an unique way of using blog photographers.

2. Question/Answer Site
In this site, user follows questions or categories, instead of people. And users question be put forward to those who know rather than to those who don't.

3. A social community for developers.
Admittingly, we do seriously need it. There's no place where developers can connect, chat and collaborate. Personally, I had been thinking on building this kind of a website.

4. Project Collaboration Tool.
It enables users to take part in projects which suit them.

5. Debating Tool.
People love to put forwarad their views. You can just build a community for it.

6. Tools for new bloggers.
Its so used up ideas, you may ask. But only few command the same specialty and quality, rest are a copy of other.

You can use these ideas and if you feel that you have some ideas in yourself too, lemme know.