Well I recently read a lot of e-books on how to promote your blog and increase your blog traffic. I also read the pdf of Andy Baily, at CommentLuv. Every book said to promote your blog in a massive way.
I think its right too. You have the content i.e. subject matter, you only want people to read it. And if no one reads your content, you have no kind of inspiration to work more harder.
Here I list some tips to promote your blog, to increase traffic :-
- Use Social Media.I know every one must be telling you. But the fact is it works ! Promoting your content on the social media just works. For some in a massive manner for some in a meek manner, depending on your reach. Look using social sites, you get free promoting for your blog. Here I list some of my favorite social media sites:-
- StumbleUpon. I was not a stumbler until few days back. I decided to stumble my page and lo ! in minutes I got traffic ! I repented for not trying it earlier.
- reddit.Never underestimate reddit. I got traffic from reddit too(after submitting my link). You should definitely try reddit.
- Digg.Frankly speaking, I never have recieved traffic from Digg, but its a good option. Digg stands out from other social-bookmarking sites and has its own niche.
- Twitter.Do I even need to mention Twitter ? Twitter has clocked in 465 million users and is expanding, daily. You could always post your blog's links in your tweet, no one would kill you for that.
- The Facebook.Hope you have noticed the "The". It says it all. Facebook is the largest social networking site(nothing new). You should definitely use it.
- Google+.Touted as the facebook killer, this one is a good network to promote your website/blog.
2. Comment on other sites.It does help. I recommend commenting on new blogs and websites because they are more open to respond to your comments (and visiting your sites.)
Never shy away from commenting on low PR, they would respond.
3. Guest Post.Most of the blogs who offer options of guest posting will give you backlinks, though less it may be. But its worth a try.
4.Use Forums.Solve others problem and get traffic. In your forum post, you can always add links to your blog or to the post which solves the forum. Some forums are :- Warrior Forum, Digita Point, Blog Frog.
5.The power of Yahoo Answers.It needs special mention because it recieves high traffic and gets people from all fields and in turn you can turn them into visitors for your blog.
Remember :-Stop posting about yourself, post articles that solve others problems. You can turn them into real visitors.
Never shy away from commenting on low PR, they would respond.
3. Guest Post.Most of the blogs who offer options of guest posting will give you backlinks, though less it may be. But its worth a try.
4.Use Forums.Solve others problem and get traffic. In your forum post, you can always add links to your blog or to the post which solves the forum. Some forums are :- Warrior Forum, Digita Point, Blog Frog.
5.The power of Yahoo Answers.It needs special mention because it recieves high traffic and gets people from all fields and in turn you can turn them into visitors for your blog.
Remember :-Stop posting about yourself, post articles that solve others problems. You can turn them into real visitors.