1. Nothing new in their content.As a net surfer, I have come across posts such "airtel hack : get free recharge" or "photoshop free download" and the authors claim that their blog is about technology. Have you ever seen top blogs like Mashable or TechCrunch posting such articles. Perhaps not. Such posts do help you in initial stages as traffic does come, but in the long run, they have an adverse impact on the audience.
2. Not wise use of tools.Today, many tools are available for bloggers. But from that heap of tools, you have got to select those tools which are really beneficial. For ex:- You can all those tools which help in making your blog navigable.You can add a slideshow. You can add analytics in your blog.
3. Not patient. Traffic does takes its time. But when you start getting daily traffic, that serves as a dose of inspiration. But take not too much. You have to be patient. I have a friend, who when he started his blog got around 15-20 visits a day, and now after a year his total number of visitor per month has gone upto 100,000.His blog is now a top blog and he is a successful blogger. Had he quit in the initial stages, he would have not achieved what he has now.
4. Little knowledge about SEO. Frankly, when I started my first blog I had little knowledge about SEO. But when I saw at top blogs, they did everything SEO told them. That's why they are so popular. Content + SEO =Success (when you blog).
5. Unethical Techniques. Many of new bloggers go to traffic exchange sites. But that's harmful, because it does not get the blog true real audience, instead some users who visit them once. That's why they loose the plot. Also, Google Adsense does not approves those websites or blogs which have joined some sort of traffic exchange program.