In this study, the need of authors for your blog would be discussed. Do you really need additional authors for your blog ? Or is it just a waste of time ? What are the advantages ? And the disadvantages ?
Here's a study.
Because the new admin would have the same power as you all.
Advantages of adding additional authors:-
- Reduced Burden. For a successful blog, following things should be achieved Content, Design, SEO etc. Now for a single person to do this, would take a lot of time. But if you have 3 authors(incl. you), 1 could handle content, 2nd design and 3rd SEO making the task easier. {Time-Management}
- Variety of Posts. For ex:- If you are a gamer, you would love to post articles related to gaming. But in that case, there would be no variety in your blog post. Therefore, traffic would be reduced. But variety of posts makes sure that all sorts of people(no joke here) visit your blog. {Increased Traffic}
- Your blog never runs out of content. Two years ago, I ran a blog which I managed alone. I would not get time to post new articles and hence there would be unwanted delay. {Consistency}
"Every coin has two sides"
- "Too many cooks spoil the broth". Too many people, too many to please and in the end there's all mess.
- Creative Differences."Why did you post that link ?" "I thought it would increase traffic and backlinks". No fruitful consensus comes out hampering the smooth functioning of blog.
Guest Posting. Limited Interaction, Great results. The guest poster usually has limited choice and the result is often of the mind of the admin.
Guest posts increase traffic and get backlinks too. If you want to publish any article of yours kindly message me at